john R. dougherty
Debuting his newest series, Holy Terror, Dougherty takes the reader on a wild and thought-provoking ride where everything you thought you knew about the angelic realm is explored.
The struggle of good versus evil – this battle has raged on for nearly all of humankind’s recorded history. But now, the bad guys don’t stand a chance. Raise your hand against your neighbor? It may be the last thing you ever do.
Heaven comes to Earth….and he’s angry.

john r. dougherty
Debuting his newest series, Holy Terror, Dougherty takes the reader on a wild and thought-provoking ride where everything you thought you knew about the angelic realm is explored.
The struggle of good versus evil – this battle has raged on for nearly all of humankind’s recorded history. But now, the bad guys don’t stand a chance. Raise your hand against your neighbor? It may be the last thing you ever do.
Heaven comes to Earth….and he’s angry.
The forces of good and evil have waged war since long before Creation. Angels of heaven and demons of hell have struggled to expand the borders of their kingdoms, and humankind has long been caught in the middle of that raging turf war. Men and women have faced the choices of good and evil since the Garden of Eden, and everyone knows where that original choice landed the rest of us. But humans are not the only ones tempted by the wares of evil. God’s angels have stared those same choices in the face too. Some have fallen away from God, while some have remained faithful to Him. What of an angel caught betwixt good and evil, an angel who thinks he is serving his Master, but is actually teetering on the edge of his own fall?
Get Your Copy of Holy Terror Today!

Join other readers for the highly anticipated release of John R. Dougherty’s debut novel, Holy Terror. Within its pages you’ll read about how the greatest warrior of God’s angelic army, the fiercest of all heavenly soldiers, has had enough of what he perceives to be God’s deference.And he takes matters into his own hands. But the path he starts down, is a path that other angels have traversed before. Many of them have ended up in the camp of the Evil One. Thumos, God’s most accomplished warrior, will come face to face with Satan himself, and he will soon haveimportant decisions to make.


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