John R. Dougherty
John R. Dougherty has spent his professional career working in information technology by day and dabbling in a variety of other diversions by night, including a few decades of serving in lay ministry. While serving in this capacity he preached hundreds of sermons, taught countless Bible study classes, and wrote dozens of articles.
He enjoys golf, guitars, grandchildren, and all things Kansas City – the Chiefs, the Royals, Sporting KC, KC Symphony, and KC Broadway, to name a few. He thinks (if not for his long-lost metabolism of youth) he could eat the famous Kansas City barbecue every day…maybe not breakfast, but lunch and dinner for sure!
Now he is enjoying bringing to life his angelic hero, Thumos, and a host of other characters that he hopes you will find both entertaining as well as either inspiring or repulsive (after all, there are both good guys and bad guys in this story). This is the first book of a series, featuring detectives Lane Madigan and Ian Jelani, whose experience with Thumos will yield life changing results.
Happy biblical Easter Egg hunting while you read
Ask John to Speak for Your Event
John is available to speak at your next event! Whether it is a youth group, bible study group, retreat, men’s group, or book clubs, John brings to each engagement a zest for life, a flair for making difficult ecumenical themes easily accessible, and a wealth of experiences that make him relatable and approachable.

Topics include:
- “Discovering the Bible through “Holy Terror” – a review of all the Bible story Easter Eggs in this book.
- “Discovering the Bible through the book, “Holy Terror – A Deeper Dive” – looking beyond just the Easter Egg stories in the book, but rather, looking at the plethora of scriptural references it contains, and the Greek language it contains.
- “Standing in the Gap” – your youth is an advantage in being a Christian, not a hindrance – 1 Timothy 4:12
- “Letting Go and Letting God” – trading peace for payback – Romans 12:21
- “My God’s a Big God” – God is God, and we are not – Isaiah 55:8-9
- “Giving Thumos the Boot” – remember, Thumos is a fictional character, and we don’t want vigilantism; instead, we need to be good citizens by helping and protecting each other, being silent in the wake of crime is no longer an option.
- “I Can Choose My Response” – finding a path to overcoming violence in our society
- “The Myth of ‘Control’” – coming to grips with the fact that outside of one’s own self, control is an illusion
Contact John Today for More Information